3rd july 10,
Aaryam’s young author’s team visited GEER FOUNDATON ‘s at INDRODA Ganghinagar. It is the ecology and research centre .they have many departments to study. It was planned by our didi ,With the idea to figure out the deep answers on how actually our scientists and researchers work minutely on the tiniest parts of nature. As we entered We were welcomed by Mr. Alap Pandit , waiting to show us the whole institution .

watch us interect with the senior most environment scientist, research scieintists(who work deeply in the team with scientist), A botanist, etc. they were asked many questions by Aaryam’s team on environment science and how they study it which were answered sincerely rather enthusiastically, by them.we also visited their various labs in details so that we get exact ideas when we need to describe it in our science fiction book .
It remained a very informative trip to GEER FOUNDATION. though we missed the dinosaur park, due to lack of time. We THANK the director of the Foundation for showing interest in our
project. And to Mr. Alap Pandit who had been a very keen host for Us.

well! let me tell you ,we have all scientific characters featured in our book .Our main characters are researching , over some mysterious part of environment. For more details u must read the book when it is published. Till then keep yourself updating right at the blog!