A Science Fiction BOOK

Our Steps For "GW"

Makeyour own solar panel

A guy made up his own solar panel and its working great just check it out and if u want make your own solar panel .... here's the steps for it...


Nirali Shah
(Director Of Aaryam Art Academy)

Posted on :18/03/11

Earth Hour action plan for Individuals

Earth Hour is a people’s movement and requires the participation and support of individuals to successfully reach and engage a broad audience. Last year alone, 6 million Indians switched off for earth hour across 128 cities. 600,000 students from various institutions and cities volunteered to spread the message. This year too, your participation will continue to show the world that collectively, we care about this issue and stand united in seeking to find solutions to the escalating climate crisis—because the costs of inaction are far too great to ignore.

Participation in Earth hour is easy!
Switch Off on 26 March 2011
  1. Show your support by joining us on facebook and switching off at 8:30 PM on 26 March 2011.
  2. Promote Earth Hour to friends and family through letters, e-mails, viral videos, blogs and social media platforms to encourage them to join the Earth Hour movement on facebook and switch off their lights during Earth Hour 2011.
  3. Students can contribute by promoting Earth Hour within campus and to faculties through letters, e-mails, student publications, newsletters, and campus website to encourage them to join the Earth Hour movement.Use your personal networks to broadcast your participation in Earth Hour and encourage others to get involved. You can also write articles for your school and college magazines, newspapers to maximize outreach.
  4. Plan an on-ground event to celebrate Earth Hour: A block party, candlelight dinner, a residents' get-together are just some of the ways you can get your friends and neighbours together to celebrate Earth Hour. Broadcast the details of your event with Facebook's "Create an Event" application. Keeping it an open event will allow invitees and participants to extend the invitation to their social networks as well.

Nirali Shah
(Director Of Aaryam Art Academy)

 Posted on :24/03/11

How to save paper and trees @ home & office

Remember how excited we were when offices were computerised and the idea of a 'paperless office' was considered fashionable? Alas! Instead of decreasing the amount of paper that businesses handle, technology has made it easier to create more paper trails than ever before.  

No longer do you have to painstakingly write... just print, print and print!
Whether we realise it or not, paper plays a very important role in our lives. We come across it every day numerous times. It's almost omnipresent. The newspaper, cereal box, the shopping bag, the tissue, the toilet paper, books, magazines, labels, it's everywhere.

When paper is such an intense part of our lives and we know trees need to be cut down to make it, why not be a little more judicious before we hit the print key?

Nirali Shah
(Director Of Aaryam Art Academy)

Making a difference

Epapers is something we can easily take up. In most cases we just flip through the paper and read just about two articles before putting it away. Why not do that over the net?

 Experience of the Person :
Gunjan Verma who keeps all the wrapping paper from the gifts her children get. "It sounds miserly but I really did it to save paper. If it's good and reusable why throw it away?" she asks. What's more Gunjan's daughters made a sturdy paper bag for her shopping with all the junk mail they got in their letterbox. "If we have to teach our children about how to conserve resources we have to get involved now," she believes.

If you are a part of the GLOBAL WARMING MISSION then do share your EXPERIENCE with us.

In the office:
* Print only when it is absolutely necessary. And promote a 'think before you print' attitude.
* Set computer defaults to print double-sided.
* Proof read documents on screen before printing. You don't want to reprint pages because of errors that could have been avoided.
* Print addresses directly on envelopes and avoid using labels.
* Fill copier trays correctly to avoid paper jams.
* While buying paper or diaries, stick to recycled paper with a high percentage of post-consumer recycled content.
* Opt for uncoloured paper and buy in bulk to reduce packaging.
* Encourage reusing paper that has been printed only on one side.
* Trim mailing lists used to send information to your customers to avoid unwanted and duplicate mailing.
* Change the paper cups in the pantry with ceramic stuff that can be washed and put back on the shelf.
* Use the fastest and paperless way to mail documents -- email.
* Reuse cardboard shipping boxes. Shipping boxes can be reused many times.
* Send wastepaper for recycling.

At home:
* If you can, stop buying the newspaper and read the epaper instead.
* Get your name off mailing lists that send you promotions you don't care about.
* Opt for e-bil options with your phone, electrictity service providers.
* Get washable cloth towels for the kitchen and cut down on paper towel usage.
* Teach children not to tear paper from notebooks to make airplanes.
* If you enjoy reading, join a library rather than buying books.
* Make the kabadiwala a friend and give wastepaper for recycling.
* Switch to recycled toilet paper.
* Don't accept promotional fliers as they are going to go straight into the bin.

Help us to SAVE OUR PLANET....

Nirali Shah
(Director Of Aaryam Art Academy)

Posted on :08/03/11

Ways to Stop Global Warming:
Drive less:

Walk, take a bike, make a carpool with people or take mass transit more often. For every mile you don’t drive you are saving one pound of carbon dioxide from emitting in atmosphere.
Avoid products with a lot of packaging:

Because as you know the loads of package add on to the garbage and as dump garbage in our planet only and not in mars so lets not make more garbage, so if you cut down your garbage by 10%, you can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide.


Nirali Shah
(Director Of Aaryam Art Academy)

Earth Hour - Proudly Committed

Global Warming

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About this blog

Few kids of Ahmedabad is Aware of Climate Change. They are writing a science fiction book based on GLOBAL WARMING.
here in this blog you will find their efforts and updates of the book. You will also find GLOBAL WARMING NEWS, And WHAT PEOPLE can do to control GLOBAL WARMING

Rights Reserved by
Nirali Shah
(Director Of Aaryam Art Academy)

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